presented by Innate Awareness
an Arica® Training Sponsor
P-Cals® consists of 23 movement and breathing exercises that follow the anatomical plan of our body. What P-Cals does is awaken the body across five specific Cavities, each of which corresponds to a specific area of the spine, with the related nerves, muscles, bones, organs, glands and tissues. What is awakened across the series of exercises is our vital or Kath Energy or Core Fire. Specific breathing patterns are given to support the generation of this vital energy. The outcome of practising the exercises is the attainment of awareness, stability and happiness in your life.
See this
YouTube Video
to give you a sense of what you will be learning.
Psychocalisthenics is easy to learn. The entire series takes only sixteen minutes to complete and produces a flash of vital energy through the entire body.
Prerequisites: None
Cost: €125 (includes training booklet); €70 for repeaters
Training Day: To be announced
Time: 10:00 am till 5:00 pm with breaks
Location: To be announced
Space is limited, so book early to secure your place!
Phone: 087 6880865